The Arts in the Early Learning Centre and Primary

Art and Woodwork Exhibition by the Foxes and Bears (Early Learning Centre students)

The main goal for visual arts in ELC2 this year was to give the Bears and Foxes the opportunity to develop creativity and artistic skills through exploring and experimenting with a wide variety of materials including: watercolour paint, tempera paint, acrylic paint, oil pastels, glue, pencils and markers and to use many different substrates. 

Find out from our ELC Educator and the students about the Exhibition experience:

ELC Educator: “It was also our goal to promote thinking and discussion that would illuminate how art actually came about in the world and how it developed and changed over time”. 

ELC2 Student: “I liked making the plastic one with the heart because you can see all the pretty colours. I also liked making the sandwiches and getting everything ready for people to see”. 

ELC2 Student: “I liked the golden sea picture because I like the golden colour and the sea is my favourite place. I liked getting everything ready for the Exhibition. We made 2 cakes and some sandwiches and hot dogs for everyone”. 

ISSH Presents “Robin Hood”

The Primary students in the Theatre club shared their hard work in their performances this week. The students from Grades 2-5 first auditioned in January for their parts and have been meeting each week ever since! Their journey began with a script read through, before editing and adding additional parts they found from movies. They were then ready to begin to act and bring their characters to life! Each performer has shown a true commitment to their role, listened to feedback given and supported their fellow performers along the way. Next, the classes began to learn the songs to become the chorus for the main cast, and each class has worked together to create a dance for one of the songs. Again, they have joined rehearsals with enthusiasm and determination and supported each other to prepare for the performance. 

Here is what the students said about their experience in Theatre club: 

“For me I liked doing the play because it was fun to sing and act with my friends, I also like how everyone is part of the play who wants to be and no one is left out. Everyone is so supportive and welcoming. Every year we do a new play and we have so much fun singing the new songs. Once we’ve practised we get to just go on stage and have fun and show what we learned, in my opinion that is the best part because we’ve all worked so hard and to see it come together is the best feeling! That is why I love doing the play”. 

“I liked the show because we got to have fun and because we got roles that challenged us so we could learn new ways of saying things. I also loved it because I found out that I can do something that I never knew I could. Another reason I liked it was because we got to spend fun time with friends and have a pizza party before the show. From the one and only, Little John”.