ISSH Model United Nations Conference

This year’s Model United Nations (MUN) was an exciting experience, as it was our first time organising a MUN conference. After an inspirational trip to Krakow, the team began to prepare for the ISSH MUN conference. Our organisational skills were put to the test as we began preparations; organising materials, food, aligning teacher schedules, communicating the plans for the days and more. Before the conference, students were assigned countries and used the study guides to start their research and preparation. Students were introduced to pressing global issues such as Authoritarian Regimes, Rising Sea Levels and Illegal Drug Trade. The students, known as delegates, researched complex topics and acquired a new understanding of the world of political and economic relations. 

After an insightful presentation by our guest speaker, Julia Desch, the delegates split into their committees where they learned the Model United Nations procedure for debate. Delegates followed the structured flow of debate and engaged in meaningful discussions, presenting speeches and negotiating on behalf of their assigned countries. Throughout the conference, students presented exceptional diplomacy and came up with innovative solutions. The delegation of Belarus deserves a special mention for dominating the committee on authoritarian regimes. This year, the team decided to implement a new tradition — funny forfeits —  where delegates would participate in lighthearted tasks such as couple’s yoga, telling jokes and dancing. This gave the students many lighthearted moments amongst the serious debating.

Special thanks go to our guest speaker, and also Ms. Güver, and Ms. Cornelissen for their support and patience during our meetings.

We are looking forward to the coming year, to prepare for trips to other MUN conferences, debates in our club and preparing for our next ISSH conference. 

From the Chair of the ISSH MUN Conference.