Grade 5 Exhibition | Students interview

Our Grade 5 students complete a self chosen research project around this time each year. This provides an opportunity for the students to develop and apply the skills they have learned during their time in the Primary years. They initially choose a focus and then develop questions to guide their research. Then they present their findings in both written and verbal forms, before ending the process by taking some sort of action. Here are three of our students talking about their projects.


What is your project about and why did you choose the topic?

My exhibition is about worldwide medicine resources and I chose the topic because I wanted to know the reasons why some places don’t have medicine and I thought it was really interesting to learn about.

What went well in your project and why?

My art piece went really well because I think it was a good idea and I heard a few people going off saying “maybe we could try and eat a little healthier next time” and I think my art piece really did the effect that I wanted it to do

What challenges did you have to overcome and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge was writing my essay. It was very hard because once I started writing my essay I realised a few points that I forgot to research, so I had to research them again, and at the same time, I had to check sources whether they were reliable. But then, I learned the strategy, which is first learn everything that you want to put in your essay and then write it down without having to go back and forth between research and writing.

What process did you go through to be successful?

I had to first do research and write my notes on a document and then keep them on one side then I had to finish off my essay. We also had to make a slideshow. Once it was finished, I started to take action on my project. Planning my action was I think the hardest part because we had to make sponsorship forms and we had to do a lot of things to actually get on the board. And another thing that was a little hard was the fact that we couldn’t use pins, we had to use a staple gun.

What was your experience and what did you learn from doing the exhibition?

I learned that some information is very complex. For example, for a virus, you think that it just fixes the body but when you really go into the story then you find that it’s way more interesting than you think and I think it’s very enjoyable.

I also learned how to manage my time. In my mini-exhibition was really struggling with time but then I learned to keep control of time

If you would give any advice to upcoming students what would it be?

Do not procrastinate and try to start your research and essay early. For the essay, the word limit was 1000 and I passed it by 1779 because I started early.


What is your project about and why did you choose the topic?

My project is about ocean pollution and I chose it because I saw that is a very big topic and it is very bad. Also, we chose a different perspective; we chose to look at the effect of sunscreens, not the plastic.

What went well in your project and why?

What was well enough was probably making the sunscreen because the ingredients and the measurement were all right and when we tested it; It worked and smelled nice.

What challenges did you have to overcome and how did you overcome them?

We didn’t really have any challenges but one of the main challenges was probably getting the research done in time because we had to have approximately 25 questions done in a week or so and it was very challenging because we had to work at home but sometimes we did not have time because of clubs; so it was a bit challenging but we got them the end.

What process did you go through to be successful?

Probably time management was the most important thing because you have to plan ahead when to take action and when to meet up with someone to get help. Also, I have done a lot of online stuff at home.

What was your experience and what did you learn from doing the exhibition?

If I ever do another research project where I can go really far deep, I would make sure you get as much knowledge and it’s an interesting process. Also, you can work with someone interactively.

If you would give any advice to upcoming students what would it be?

You will do most of the things online at home and on paper in school and make sure you manage your time very well.


What is your project about and why did you choose the topic?

My topic is deforestation and why I chose it is a little bit of a story but there are multiple reasons. One of which is when I was younger; at one of my older houses, I would always go and play in a big forest and I would always go there to play. At first, there was a very small construction site and I stayed there for three years. By the time I had to move away, they destroyed a lot of the forest to make neighbourhoods

What went well in your project and why?

I’m happy I decided to work alone because I can get distracted very easily otherwise.

Also, writing my essay was not too much of a struggle, it took about seven days.

What challenges did you have to overcome and how did you overcome them?

One of my biggest challenges was time management. Doing my research in 3 weeks was also another challenge. I overcame it by doing more hours over the weekend to help me catch up on the work

What process did you go through to be successful?

I started with my research then I looked for people to interview about deforestation. Once I found people to interview, I sent them an email. But not everyone replied to me. When I found a person to meet and ask my questions; I finished my art piece.

What was your experience and what did you learn from doing the exhibition?

I got better at writing formal emails and also learned how to use my time efficiently

If you would give any advice to upcoming students what would it be?

As soon as you pick your topic, start researching right away. Also, when you’re looking for people to interview, don’t go to big companies, go to specific people.