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In our nursery, we believe that children are, by nature, eager learners from the day they are born and the development of the children as happy and balanced individuals is our top priority. Therefore, our main focus is on the joy of discovery and learning. Learning to speak, walk and develop their gross and fine motor skills are important milestones at that age. We provide a playful learning environment using sensory play and early musical education units to stimulate all areas of development. A wide variety of activities such as cooking together, playing games, puzzles and role-playing provide the framework for the experience in the group. Socializing, caring and forming first friendships with children of all nationalities is one of our focus points. We sing, listen to stories and experience the change of seasons as fascinating adventures. Walks turn into exciting exploration tours, a picnic into an imaginative feast. ISCC combines a structured, highly professional approach with a warm and family-like atmosphere in which children grow and develop to their full potential.
You can book care times for your child according to your needs, whether full-time or part-time. We are open for you Mon-Fri from 7:45 am until 6:00 pm. We also offer an early drop off when requested.
There are only 3 weeks of closure: the last week of July, the first week of August and from December 24th – January 2nd, in addition to the public holidays.
Our Environment is bilingual. We immerse children in both English and German throughout their day and adapt to each child’s needs individually. Our diverse team of teachers, along with children from various cultural backgrounds, create a linguistically rich environment where exposure to multiple languages naturally complements our bilingual focus.
You are part of your child’s daily routines and learning through the app Famly, which provides overall information, announcements, menu plans, event details, and photos. Additionally, after each pick-up, you receive a personalized report about your child’s day. The app also enables you to request bookings directly.
Our childcare ratio is above average, which allows us to spend a lot of quality time with all children and meet their individual needs. We allocate a key caregiver to your child. This person becomes your first point of contact for questions and concerns.
We place great emphasis on learning outdoors and regularly plan learning experiences in the garden and the nearby environment regardless of the weather. Early and personal contact with nature can set the course for a child’s life.
Following our schools’ philosophy of ‘Each mind has its own method’, we believe that children are by nature eager learners from the day they are born. This quality will stay with them for their entire life, if it is cherished, stimulated and catered for every day. We acknowledge that each child must be approached, catered to and educated in an individual manner.
Staff-led activities, free play and care times alternate in a fixed daily routine. The staff-led activities focus on the development of language skills, fine and gross motor skills, the five senses and exploring the world around us. During free play times the children develop their social skills through interacting with other children, observation, sharing toys or other resources and through negotiation.
Interested parents are kindly invited to make an appointment through the head of childcare and visit the childcare centre. We will show you the facilities and explain our pedagogical approach and daily routines. To secure a place the application form must be completed and sent to the school administration. Places will be confirmed on a first-come-first-served basis. Since some days are in higher demand, we might not be able to offer you a five-day-place from the start, unless you have made reservations early. A confirmation of your place in the ISCC will be sent to you, along with further details of the enrolment process.
More details about our nursery can be found in the parent handbook. Further details about our fees, can be found here. If you have any specific questions, the head of the Childcare Centre will be happy to help you.
Here you can find additional information about our school
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