Primary years programme


The curriculum is planned around six transdisciplinary themes. They are the common thread for thinking and learning through meaningful, age-appropriate units. The teaching and learning, within the units, is focused on the students developing their understanding of concepts and skills (the approaches to learning).  Knowledge and understanding is taught through six subject areas: language, maths, social studies, science, arts and personal, social and physical learning.
PYP schools around the world teach according to a common curriculum. Naturally, the learning content largely corresponds to the curricula of Swiss or German primary schools.

transdisciplinary themes

Who we are

What does it mean to be human in this world?
Who are we and what do we believe in?

Where we are in time and place

Where do we live?
What time do we live in?
What are our roots?

How we express ourselves

How do we share our ideas? 
How do we communicate in language and art?

How the world works

What miracles await us in nature and technology?
And what are the connections?

How we organize ourselves

How are communities organized?
What does it mean to go to work?
How do we network in this world?

sharing the planet

What rights and obligations do we have?
How do we behave towards people and other living beings?