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At ISSH we understand that there are opportunities for learning in every aspect of a student’s life. For that reason we offer a range of Extra Curricular Activities aimed at supporting and enhancing learning outside of the classroom.
During the year, the school runs several after school clubs for Primary students that are organized by ISSH staff members. After school clubs take place throughout the year, usually after school on a Monday or Tuesday, generally lasting 45 minutes. Participation of students is voluntary and on a sign up basis.
After school clubs consist of activities like sports, music, arts, drama, cooking, games, etc. Every teacher in the school offers 3 clubs per year, each for a different age range. We also have external organizations running clubs in the school and also willing parents.
The clubs calendar is available at the beginning of the year both on seesaw. Club enrolment takes place throughout the year. Registration is electronic and can also be found also at seesaw.
Each semester a new student council is elected. The council is made up of two representatives from each class from Grade 2 upwards. The student council acts as the student voice in the school and has 2 main duties; they are responsible for annually identifying and supporting a good cause through fund or awareness raising activities. They also run the ‘Playground Pals’ initiative, acting as pals to those who need it and rewarding other students who are being principled or caring role-models.
In addition to German being taught during class time, we also offer a German conversation club every week for those students who need to further practise their German conversational skills. When possible we also host other language clubs in our school and actively seek out parents who are willing to offer language lessons in their mother tongue.
Every year we produce a musical in which students can act, sign, dance or perform musically, depending on their individual talents. Auditions are held at the beginning of the school year and then students prepare for the show through a theatre club.
ISSH is a member of the Swiss Group of International Schools, an organisation that organises competitive sports meetings between international schools in Switzerland. We regularly enter teams into basketball, soccer, field hockey and athletics tournaments with other international schools, and some of the local Swiss schools as well.
Here you can find additional information about our school
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