Learning Support

ISSH’s Learning Support Coordinator works closely with teachers, parents, and students to provide tailored recommendations for students with specific learning needs. The school offers in-school learning support services, including one-on-one lessons, at an additional cost. If further support is needed, such as external assessments or therapies we help connect families with specialists. Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs) are implemented as necessary to enhance the student’s learning experience and overall success.


We offer tailored language support to help students succeed academically. Our programmes are designed to meet the needs of students at each educational stage, from Primary to the Diploma Programme (DP).

  • English as an Additional Language (EAL):
    • Primary: Students with limited English receive small group or one-on-one EAL classes integrated into the school day. Additional language development classes are available outside regular hours.
    • Secondary: Students receive EAL support for up to 18 months, with lessons scheduled to minimize disruption. This support is provided at an additional cost.

Our language support services are designed to ensure all students can thrive academically while maintaining and developing their linguistic skills.


We encourage students to take responsibility and be actively involved in shaping their future, by assisting them to explore their academic interests and to make well-informed subject choices before entering the Diploma Programme. From Grade 9 onwards, information sessions and workshops are organised for students and their parents.