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The Middle School Programme consists of eight subject groups integrated through six global contexts for learning to promote inquiry.
Students at ISSH are required to study at least two languages (as part of their multilingual profile), humanities, sciences, mathematics, arts, physical and health education and design. In their final year, students will also undertake an independent ‘personal project’ to demonstrate the development of their skills and understanding acquired throughout the Middle School.
Language is essential for learning, thinking and communicating. Through Language and Literature, which is usually the mother tongue or strongest second language, ISSH students develop an appreciation for language and literature and understand their importance as a powerful tool and essential life skill. Students learn to communicate ideas, opinions and information for a variety of purposes and audiences using appropriate language and grammatical forms. English and German are offered as Language and Literature courses, where six skill areas are developed: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting.
The learning of languages other than one’s own is considered essential at ISSH. Students learn to express themselves in writing and speaking and develop the skills of reading and listening. Three Language Acquisition courses in English, German and French are offered. Most students take three languages at ISSH and at least one of these is an acquisition language. These courses suit students for whom the language studied is a language acquired in previous years of studies or who are beginners in this language. Students are placed in phases (1-6) depending on factors including number of years studied and the student’s proficiency.
At ISSH, learners study the four main branches of mathematics through each year of the programme – number, algebra, geometry and trigonometry, and statistics and probability. Students learn that mathematics can be applied to their interests and to the real world, as well as being appreciated for its own beauty. They investigate problems from a mathematical perspective, undertaking research projects and making presentations. Reflection is important in mathematics and students are required to spend time reflecting on the methods they employ to solve problems.
Learning through humanities means understanding and interacting with the history, geography, economics and political systems of the world. The primary aim of the course is to develop the understanding and application of concepts and skills rather than prescribe and assess content. Students at ISSH learn to build and apply their knowledge, analyse and comment on specific humanities concepts of time, place and space, change, systems and global awareness. They also develop appropriate technical, analytical, problem-solving and investigative skills.
The study of science aims to provide students with both a body of knowledge and an understanding of the scientific approach to problem solving. Students are encouraged to relate the content of the classroom and laboratory to the realities of life as they develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. At ISSH, in each grade level, biology, chemistry and physics topics are studied in a coordinated and integrated way. Students will develop scientific approaches to problem solving through formulating hypotheses, designing and carrying out test experiments and evaluating the results. They are also researching current scientific topics in order to connect the real world to the sciences studied in class.
The Arts teach us much more than the expression of the human spirit, they also teach us about different perspectives and cultures. ISSH offers visual arts which involves students applying, analysing and creating their own art creations from studying other artists and their art methods. The performing arts focus on the influences of music and drama. In all art subjects, students learn and apply artistic styles, tools and techniques from around the world. Through discussion and reflection, students at ISSH develop their self-confidence and self-awareness through the arts.
Through physical education at ISSH, students learn to cultivate their own healthy and active lifestyle by experiencing a wide range of physical activities and learn the importance of physical fitness as a component of healthy living. Students learn to apply knowledge of physical activities, create and perform movement compositions, reflect and refine their performance and develop their social and emotional skills during physical activity.
For an increasingly technological world, ISSH students have the opportunity to understand the importance of the steps required in the design cycle – investigate, design, plan, create and evaluate. At ISSH, the technology course is balanced with three strands – information, materials and systems – over the five years of the MYP programme. The students are encouraged to show their ingenuity and creativity by using the design cycle to create their own products and to find practical solutions.
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