
Assessment based on diverse procedures

Students are assessed over the course of the programme according to specified assessment criteria that correspond with the objectives of each subject group. Teachers will provide varied and meaningful formative and summative assessment tasks so that students can demonstrate achievements according to the objectives for each subject group.

Through formative assessments, the teacher and student reflect on what knowledge and skills have been learned and developed and can be applied. Examples of formative assessments in the Middle School classroom may include: class observations, Venn diagrams, group discussions, self-evaluations, checklists, drawings, inventories, journal entries, peer review and many more.

Summative assessments take place at the end of the teaching and learning unit and allow the student to show what has been learned and to provide samples of their work to show their understanding. It also helps the teacher judge the level of achievement the student has attained. Examples of summative assessments in the Middle School classroom may include: essays (argumentative/persuasive), questionnaires, exams, performances and presentations (oral, written, multimedia).

For all summative assessments, students are provided with subject-specific criteria against which they will be assessed. These provide guidelines on what teachers will be looking for when assessing the students’ knowledge and deeper understanding of the unit. It also helps the students know what is expected of them so that they can prepare and do the best they can. 

Exam Sessions

Grade 8 students sit exams in the 6 core subjects at the end of each semester (January and June). Grade 6 and 7 students take final exams in June only. These exams provide the students with an opportunity to prepare for a comprehensive exam and further develop their revision and problem-solving skills. The end-of-semester exams have the same weight as a regular in class summative assessment.

Academic Results