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The thought of changing schools is the beginning of a process in which we closely accompany students and families.
At the beginning there are many questions:
My child does not yet speak English or only school English, can he or she still change to ISSH?
How can we make the leap into an English-speaking environment?
My child does not speak any German, is this a problem?
Will my child lose a school year?
How do the school systems compare to each other?
Can we return to the public school system in our home country in the future?
We at the International School have a lot of experience with children who transfer to our school from another school system and from another language. Some children also return to the public school system in the future. We will guide your family and your children through all of these aspects: entering the school and the transfer, language acquisition and school curriculum.
Contact us by email or phone +41 (0)52 624 17 07 and arrange an initial appointment. This will give you an insight into our everyday school life and the possibilities of changing schools. This appointment can take place with or without child(ren). If you have any questions in advance, we will also be happy to give you information by telephone or via email.
Here you can find additional information about our school
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