Health & Well-being

The ISSH boarding programme supports teenagers to become independent and responsible young adults who are well prepared for university life abroad and have a clear vision of their talents, strengths and goals for life. We invite teenagers aged 14-19 from around the world to join our international community of learners, to share our passion for knowledge and to develop into lifelong learners and international citizens.

All boarders at ISSH receive guidance and supervision according to their age. Our boarders are being looked after by “carers” who are there overnight and at times over the weekend.


Students have a right to:

  • Live and learn in a safe, friendly and helpful environment that enables them to develop as a unique, responsible individual. 

Boarding Staff have a right to:

  • Work in a safe and friendly environment

Parents and Caregivers have a right to:

  • Feel welcome at all times
  • Know that their sons and daughters are learning and living in a safe and productive environment

Medical Care

  • All relevant medical information must be shared with the Head of Boarding.
  • Any student who feels ill or needs medical help/advice must report to the Staff Member on Duty.
  • Students feeling ill at school must inform the Secondary School Principals who will determine the next steps.
  • If a student is ill on a school day they must inform the Staff Member on Duty before 07.30 who will assess fitness for school, and inform the Head of Boarding who will alert the school if the student will be absent.
  • Information regarding doctor/dentist appointments must be relayed to the Head of Boarding. Appointments should be outside school times, wherever possible
  • There is support for mental health problems from a number of dedicated staff members:
    • The Head of Boarding
    • The Coaches 
    • The Secondary School Counselor
    • External counselors 

The Head of Boarding is responsible for monitoring student welfare, and may be contacted by the counsellors where relevant.

Find our Health Insurance information here. 


We all have the responsibility to:

  • Show respect for ourselves by taking a pride in developing our academic and social skills in a global world
  • Show respect to others by speaking positively, being cooperative and helpful and by recognising others’ opinions, properties, and uniqueness
  • Show respect for our school and boarding house by looking after property and equipment