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Here you will find a number of different offers for parents and children. Everyone is welcome here and we look forward to seeing you.
Every Wednesday at 9:00 am in the Family Hub
This is a great way to meet and socialise with other families while your child has the opportunity to interact and play with other children in a safe and stimulating environment. The children are welcome to explore the activities on offer, as well as a music and movement session and story at the end of the morning at 11am.
We have a number of groups for you and your child, including
Would you like to know more about it?
For further information, please send an e-mail to
During the ISSH school holidays we offer bilingual holiday care for our students, but also for students of the public schools. This is a varied and age-appropriate programme for children between 5 and 11 years of age. This offer is guided by experienced teachers.
Registration at
*Note: This programme will only take place if there are enough registrations.
Here you can find additional information about our school
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