Celebrating 5 Years of the Family Hub: A Reflection on the Journey and a Look into the Future

Five years ago, in March 2018, we started an international playgroup that within just six months was filled to capacity. It became evident that there was a pressing demand for a place where families could come together and connect. This is how the idea of the Family Hub was conceived—a central space for families from diverse backgrounds to connect, share, and grow together.

The Birth of the Family Hub

The initial international playgroup’s rapid growth highlighted a significant gap: families in our community, both local and expatriate, were seeking meaningful ways to connect. Local families were looking for something unique, a space that offered more than just casual social interactions in an English speaking environment.  They wanted a place where their children could play, and they could meet new people, exchange ideas, and form lasting friendships. At the same time, expat families were yearning for a place where they could meet others with similar experiences, share their journeys, and find a sense of belonging in their new home.

These two groups might have had different reasons for coming together, but their needs were complementary. They were all searching for a space that fostered connection and growth. From these shared needs, the concept of the Family Hub was born. The vision was simple: to create a welcoming environment where the local, expat, and International School of Schaffhausen (ISSH) communities could come together, build relationships, and grow stronger as a community.


Building a Community, One Connection at a Time

The Family Hub quickly became more than just a space—it became a community. Over the past five years, we have seen countless friendships blossom, support networks form, and shared memories created within our walls. Families from different cultures and backgrounds have come together to celebrate birthdays, festivals, and achievements. They have supported each other through the challenges a parent faces, shared experiences, and learned from one another. It is a place where everyone is welcome, where differences are celebrated, and where each person can feel a sense of belonging. We have strived to create an environment where both children and adults can feel safe, valued, and understood.

Currently, we have our International playgroup for families with children aged 0-6 and our Baby Club, which is just for the little ones, aged 0-2. Our Coffee and Conversations sessions provide a space for parents to come together to share their experiences and expertise, and find out about life as a parent and living in Schaffhausen. Our Discovery afternoons provide a space for children aged 5-11 to engage in inquiry-based learning, a space to play and create, and a chance to make new friends, all in an English-speaking environment. We also have our Library Club, where we open up our Primary library to families to provide English books to the community.


Looking Ahead: The Future of the Family Hub

Looking to the future, we have ambitious plans to expand our reach and impact. We envision the Family Hub becoming even more of a central pillar in our community—a place where families can access resources, support, and opportunities for personal and collective growth. We plan to introduce more programmes and activities tailored to the needs of our diverse community, offering everything from educational workshops and cultural events to wellness programmes and support groups.

As we reflect on the past five years, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey. Each one of you has contributed to making the Family Hub what it is today. Whether you’ve been with us since the beginning or have recently joined, you are an integral part of our community.

Whether you’re a local family looking for a sense of community or an expat seeking connection, the Family Hub is here for you. Join us, and let’s continue to make this a place where everyone can belong.